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[其他獒犬] (獒犬猛犬)全集

发表于 2010-8-18 13:04:54 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海长宁区
本帖最后由 hereuare 于 2010-8-18 13:08 编辑
1  安纳托利亚牧羊   这是被 FCI 认可的官方品种   所以  外人对土猛就统称安纳托利亚

这也是被外界了解 ...
如云烟 发表于 2010-8-10 09:56

   LZ我关于kangal的说法,想和你讨论一下,最主要是你的头型,请看下列站点(这些是谷歌上最靠前的一些网站,也就是相对认可度比较大的一些网站):    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangal_Dog
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-18 13:31:17 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
LZ我关于kangal的说法,想和你讨论一下,最主要是你的头型,请看下列站点(这些是谷歌上最靠前的一 ...
hereuare 发表于 2010-8-18 13:04


关于安纳托利亚及坎高    可能比中亚及阿拉拜的定性更复杂

维基的资料   侧重点是在安纳托利亚身上

外面对土国内  目前已开始将两者很明显的区分对待了

但原先的很多资料和图片  一直在沿用并被大家所认知!

很多的安纳托利亚图片  就是用的坎高

而我们找的坎高图   很多是阿卡巴什和安纳

我整理这些帖就是想提供个平台  让广大的土猛爱好者一起交流心得

我目前所知的一些信息    关于坎高    这其实就是种大型马士提夫

它们和别的几种土猛的最大区别   就是体型和头吻部的獒犬特征!

另外  安纳牧羊是不允许大花色和分额过胸的  


最合理的解释就是    老外们只认安纳一种   


他们对外展示的无论是坎高  阿卡巴什 安纳   名就叫安纳托利亚

而对于专业玩家   坎高  才是最吸引我们的重点   巨大  强悍而古老

所以  和藏獒一样  各种奇怪和有趣的现象在土国内也出现

挂的坎高的名   狗是安纳托利亚和杂交品种 ...


欧洲很多的坎高是混了英獒血统的 !

上面只是我的一些个人看法   只做参考   望大家多指正!!!
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发表于 2010-8-18 20:29:47 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海虹口区

关于安纳托利亚及坎高    可能比中亚及阿拉拜的定性更复杂

维基的资料   侧 ...
如云烟 发表于 2010-8-18 13:31

猛犬俱乐部温馨提醒使用中介先验狗 后付款安全。确保您的交易受最大的安全保 点击阅读《中介规则》
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发表于 2010-8-18 21:46:34 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏徐州
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-19 13:06:08 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
本帖最后由 如云烟 于 2010-8-19 13:34 编辑
    您关于纯种kangal是獒型的说法,您可否共享一下这方面的资料,我也很想有机 ...
hereuare 发表于 2010-8-18 20:29


好 那我们就慢慢的一一分析才能清楚坎高的来隆去脉!

首先  我们从坎高的起源和历史说起

Sculptures of dogs bearing some resemblance to the Kangals of modern-day Turkey, are seen accompanying the hunting parties of the Assyrian King Ashurbanipal.
A large, powerful breed described as "Indian Hound" is mentioned in the writings of Herodotus as being kept by the Babylonians.

The Kangal in Turkey
A contemporary national treasure in Turkey, the Kangal dog is one of over 30 livestock guardian breeds from various countries in Europe and Asia. Each is
considered an important part of the culture and history of its region. To protect and conserve the genetic purity of the Kangal Dog, the government of Turkey
has established several state-sponsored breeding centers.
Although Mustafa Kemal Atatürk introduced many measures to replace Turkey's Islamic law with a secular system, many of the religious traditions still remain,
one being the belief that the dog is an unclean animal that should not be allowed to enter a household. Dogs are however tolerated around human
habitations and Kangal dogs are a common sight wi





About 5000-2500 years ago there were three different types of Mastiff breeds found in and around the area of Persia to India. Theses breeds were: Assyrian mastiff, Indian mastiff and the Alaunt.
One of the best known dogs at that times was the "Assyrian dog" which were used as hunting and guardian dogs. When the Assyrian empire crumbled the Medes and the Persians (the first rulers of ancient Iran) and all the hunts-men kings of the orient, gave huge payments for these magnificent dogs, whose role seems to have been as important as that of the greyhound in the history of the canine race. At "Shush Fortress" in south western Iran there is a form of these dogs (with black colour) that gallops for hunting with some riders.

The Persian Army used Indian dogs (mastiffs) but just for guarding and not for suicide jobs. Herodotus (Greek author born ca. 484 B.C.) writes in his book that heavy powerful dogs "Indian mastiffs" were introduced into Greece by Xerxes the First when he marched toward this country (486-465 B.C.). Alexander the Great on his return from India, brought back a very similar type of dog. Even in this time one of the largest "Satraps" of Persia in Babylon paid all of its taxes for the expenses of breeding and to take care of these dogs (Herodotus, 1.192) that guarded the soldiers camps and captured enemies prisoners.
These Indian Mastiffs originated in and around the desert area of Kutch, the Rajasthan area and Bhawalpur area of Punjab. A part of the Kutch area in Rajasthan was under the Sindh District and hence the other name of this breed is Sindh Mastiff. At present a part of the Sindh area now fall under Pakistan and so does the Bhawalpur area.
This breed is not to be confused with the Hyrcanian Breed which was also prevalent in the Indian zone. The Hyrcanians were basically wild dogs which were cattle killers. Later they were used as war dogs by the armies of Alexander the Great. These hyrcanians came down to more deeper inside India, inside the Kumaon district to become the Kumaon Mastiff, also known as the Cypro Kukur.



就是所谓的亚述獒  印度獒  亚细亚獒



在军事化中  印度獒的作用是为了守卫和利用这些狗看护战俘

在民间  一些波斯獒被用作斗牛和打斗玩乐  这就是库达的前身

在波斯 贵族们用亚细亚獒打猎和放牧  这就是土猛的前身

另外  关于中亚地区庞大的獒犬家族   其关系都很亲密

Wynn 在1886写道:"..如果亚洲獒的历史只是从最早时期简略追溯到现在,那么给亚洲獒精确命名就会很困难.




所以    无论坎高是从中亚一脉而来

还是古巴比伦獒  亚述獒  又或就是亚细亚獒

它们是巨大  强悍  而古老的獒犬是无庸置疑的 ........




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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-19 13:37:40 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通



这些还是有很大区别的 ...
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发表于 2010-8-20 01:06:16 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海普陀区
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-20 11:06:52 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
本帖最后由 如云烟 于 2010-8-20 11:16 编辑
我在想土耳其其实就是突厥人,汉朝时的匈奴人,他们是从我国边境的中亚地区被驱逐并最后定居在存在古亚述獒 ...
hereuare 发表于 2010-8-20 01:06


首先   定性一个国家和民族的成分  起源 和 性质  最好要有相关的基础及阅读大量的人文资料

关于土尔其的人种构成   是历经千万年的历史长河的洗理和交替而构成的民族大融合




民族主要由 土耳其人 库尔德人 阿拉伯人 亚美尼亚人 等组成


几千年来   安纳托利亚地区经历了 弗里吉亚人  吕底亚人  亚美尼亚人  波斯帝国  罗马人  等各个王朝


关于土猛的来源  我可以确定的只有两点

1  在土的卡拉斯牧羊犬  其实就是亚美尼亚牧羊的一支  同时  它们也主要由亚美尼亚族人喂养

2  在安纳托利亚地区  安纳托利亚牧羊   是由纯正的突厥牧羊犬和原先的亚细亚獒融合而来

关于坎高  我个人认为  它是古亚述獒的直系后裔  就是我们所说的古魔罗萨  

并对阿卡巴什等当地牧犬的血统进行了改良帮助 ...
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-20 11:09:28 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
本帖最后由 如云烟 于 2010-8-20 11:13 编辑

另外  我又一次说明  

阿拉拜不是中亚的分支  只是土库曼牧羊的一个别称


土库曼牧羊  既是中亚的起源点   也是代表基础!

不要再特别说明阿拉拜  它就是花狗的意思  

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发表于 2010-8-20 21:31:21 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海闸北区
另外  我又一次说明  

阿拉拜不是中亚的分支  只是土库曼牧羊的一个别称

中亚的标准就是在土库曼牧羊 ...
如云烟 发表于 2010-8-20 11:09

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发表于 2010-8-20 21:58:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海闸北区
本帖最后由 hereuare 于 2010-8-20 22:20 编辑

首先   定性一个国家和民族的成分  起源 和 性质  最好要有 ...
如云烟 发表于 2010-8-20 11:06

    LZ您提供的那些kangal的照片是出自哪里?比如如下的这些图片, 可否提供原始链接或资料,我很想看一下包括文字在内的更详细的资料,学习一下。
2   坎高

这是体型最高大  也是大家喜欢土猛的主要核心

它们有非常明显的獒犬特征   高大  阔嘴  性格凶猛



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发表于 2010-8-20 23:32:42 | 只看该作者 来自: 北京
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发表于 2010-8-21 03:38:53 | 只看该作者 来自: 山东泰安
猛犬俱乐部温馨提醒使用中介先验狗 后付款安全。确保您的交易受最大的安全保 点击阅读《中介规则》
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-21 14:37:25 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
Ca De Bou  卡博特斗牛犬

| Ca De Bou | Mer om rasen | Rasstandard | Bilder |
Ca De Bou (film)

   Två av mina Ca de Bou svalkar sig i vattnet från spridaren
       som ska vattna fruktodlingarna. Kommer äpplena att
                                    smaka blöt hund?

Information om rasen
Andra namn: Perro Dogo Mallorquin, Mallorca mastiff, Mallorquin Mastiff
Mallorquin Bulldog, Majorca Mastiff, Majorcan Bulldog

Ca de Bou (Perro Dogo Mallorquin).
Gråsparvar är svårfångade men sååå goda!

Det är en medelstor, kraftig men smidig hund av bulldogstyp. Den ska ha tydlig könsprägling och det stora kvadratiska huvudet ska hos hanhunden ha en omkrets som överstiger mankhöjden. En Ca de Bou ska ge ett kraftfullt intryck.
Ca de Bou är en mycket lämplig sällskaps/familje och vakthund men används också med stor framgång som brukshund.

Valpar, Ca de Bou och Homo Sapiens.

Perro dogo Mallorquin är hundens officiella namn men kallas i dagligt tal för Ca de Bou som betyder tjurhund (bulldog). Redan i början av 1700-talet fanns det moloss liknande hundar på Mallorca som användes för vakt. När Mallorca blev Brittisk koloni 1713 tog britterna med sig både bulldog och intresset för kamp mellan hundar och även hundar och tjurar. Kampsporten blev mycket populär och Mallorkinerna utvecklade Ca de Bou.


När hundkamp förbjöds sjönk intresset för rasen men den var ändå så pass vanlig att det 1931 skrevs den första officiella rasstandarden. Spanska inbördeskriget och det andra världskriget utplånade vad som tidigare hade funnits av rasen. Hundrasen godkändes av FCI (The Fédération Cynologique Internationale) 1964 vilket anses ha varit ett misstag då hunden vid den tiden var praktiskt taget utdöd.
På 1980-talet gjordes de första vettiga försöken till att återskapa hundrasen bland annat med avelsmaterial från korsningar mellan Ca de Bestiar och Bulldog.

Det är en mycket stark och duglig hundras.
Att ta sig upp på stora och isiga halmbalar är inget problem.

Ca de Bou är något mindre än Rottweilern men fortfarande en ganska stor hundras. Den är kraftig och välmusklad men ändå rörlig och smidig. Det är en vaksam och pålitlig vakthund men även en trygg och stabil familjehund.

Världens sötaste surpuppa. Darth Mirage de Vautrecoeur.
Mamma till vår Sanchez.

Varför Ca de Bou?

Ja, varför faller man för en viss hundras egentligen? Vad får en att köpa en valp osedd av en ras som man inte annat än har läst om?
Ja det är väl känsla, en sorts inre övertygelse att just denna hundras är som gjord för mig. Nu är det ändå så att Ca de Bou är liksom Rottweiler och Dogue de Bordeaux en hund av molossertyp och denna grupp tilltalar mig med sitt lite slöa men vaksamma och pålitliga sätt.

Lika barn leka bäst.

När jag sedan fick möjlighet att träffa hundar av rasen i verklighet och hämta hem min första egna valp så visste jag att det var en fullträff. Hunden påminner mycket både om Rottweiler och Dogue de Bordeaux, som ju också är favoritraser.         


Fakta Ca de Bou

Namn: Ca de Bou. Namnet är mallorkinska och betyder tjurhund.Det officiella spanska namnet är Perro dogo Mallorquin.Den kallas även Mallorca mastiff, Mallorquin Mastiff, Mallorquin Bulldog, Majorca Mastiff, Majorcan Bulldog
Ön Mallorca, Spanien.
: Grupp 2, Molosser, FCI nr 249
Storlek: Mankhöjd hanhund 55-58 cm, tik 52-55.
Vikt: Hanhund 35-38 kg, tik 30-34 kg.
Färg: Brindle, fawn eller svart. Färgerna föredras i nämnda ordning. Hos brindlefärgade hundar föredras mörka nyanser. Hos
fawnfärgade hundar föredras djupa nyanser. Vita tecken tillåts på
framtassarna, förbröstet, nospartiet, upp till högst 30 % av hela
pälsen. Svart mask är också tillåtet.

http://www.maximillianfox.com/images/Pil2.gif Läs Rasstandard för Ca de Bou här.

Ca De Bou Flickan Frekes Arya aka Nåna är syster till vår Sanchez och bor på Snapphaneklanens

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-21 14:44:00 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
本帖最后由 如云烟 于 2010-8-21 14:47 编辑

体型体重:身高:56厘米~58厘米  体重:35公斤~36公斤

201041510274918549.jpg (66.15 KB, 下载次数: 19)

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发表于 2010-8-21 15:14:02 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏连云港
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发表于 2010-8-21 21:45:42 | 只看该作者 来自: 浙江丽水

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发表于 2010-8-22 00:09:28 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海虹口区
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发表于 2010-8-22 00:34:52 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海虹口区
CA DA BOU (马洛昆斗牛)
Height and Weight: Males are 18 to 24 inches and 60 to 100 pounds; females areand 50 - 85 pounds
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-22 20:02:02 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏南通
本帖最后由 如云烟 于 2010-8-22 20:06 编辑

大比利牛斯獒   Pyrenean Mastiff

Description: Originating from Spain, the Pyrenean Mastiff, or Perro Mastin del Pireneo, is a large flock-guarding breed developed for fighting off predators of sheep such as bear and wolf. The breed is rather large, reaching 34 inches in height, and weighing up to 175 lbs. They have medium length fur in the form of a good coat, but not nearly as profuse as the Great Pyrenees Dog. Pyrenean Mastiffs are very calm and have a kindly disposition. They are fine with other animals and dogs, as long as their family or property is not threatened. If property is threatened, the Pyrenean Mastiff can become very dreadful to whoever is endangering his property. It has been said about the Pyrenean Mastiff that he has a "clear concept of his strength". They can be very brave when it comes to defending their own. But with family and friends, this Mastiff is docile and friendly. An excellent guard as well as a calm and sweet friend, the Pyrenean Mastiff can make a home more secure as well as joyous at the same time.
Other Names: Perro Mastin del Pireneo, Mastin del Pirineo, Mastin d'Aragon
Type: Mastiff

Height:28.5 - 34 inches.
120 - 175 lbs

Colors: Basically white and always with a well defined mask, marks similar in color to that of the mask spread over the body, with irregular but well defined shape. Ears always marked. Totally white or tri-colored animals not preferred; the most appreciated colors are pure white, snow white with medium gray marks, deep gold-sand, dusk, black, silver gray, light tan, sand, brindle, red for the marks or yellowish white for the whole not desired.
Coat: Half long, thick and laying flat to the body, the ideal medium length will be of 6 to 9cm at the middle of the back and longer at the shoulder, neck, stomach and behind hind and forelegs, as well as in the tail panache. Never woolly.

Temperament: The Pyrenean Mastiff is meek, docile and extremely intelligent. Pyrenean Mastiffs are very brave and fierce with strangers. They show extreme benevolence with other dogs knowing of its strength. Should a threat arise, the Pyrenean Mastiff is skilled at fighting, remembering its acquired behavior in the fight with wolves. They have a deep and intense bark, but are usually quiet. Pyrenean Mastiffs know their strength and they know how to use it, so they make very good guard dogs. They are protective of their own, kind with family and friends, and friendly when "off-duty". They are reliable, good around children, as well as good with other pets. They will not threaten another without reason, and are mostly a gentle but brave breed.  
With Children: Yes, does well with children.

Bordagaray Aker Beltz, Owned By: Ixaka Iparragirre
From our Gallery of Breeds

With Pets:
Yes, does okay with other pets.

Watch-dog: Very High. The Pyrenean Mastiff is always on guard to protect what he deems his property.
Guard-dog: High. They are very capable of protecting their family or family's items.

Care and Exercise: Because of their massive size, the Pyrenean Mastiff needs adequate exercise in an environment that can handle his size! Outdoor daily walks are good for this breed, and they should be kept in good shape with consistency. The coat should be brushed every week and you should check to make sure nothing gets stuck in it, as it can get dirty easily. Nails, ears, and teeth should always be checked and/or trimmed routinely.
The Mastin del Pirineo is a very trainable breed, and will obey "from day one", as some owners have stated. They are excellent in learning and very intelligent. They should be trained as puppies, and always use positive reinforcement.
Learning Rate: High. Obedience - High.

Activity: Low - Medium.
Special Needs:
Adequate space, exercise, and training.
Living Environment: The Pyrenean Mastiff needs plenty of room and exercise. They are very large dogs, therefore unsuitable for an apartment. They need a yard with a fence, and can do well in either rural or suburban environments. The best owner for this breed would be a family living in a rural or suburban area with a fence.

Health Issues: Eye problems, inflammatory bowel disease, and bloat. Bloat is a health issue common to most dogs, being the largest killer of dogs only second to cancer. Breeds with deep chests often suffer from this condition. Another health concern for Pyrenean Mastiffs is a low incidence of hip dysplasia.

Life Span: 8 - 13 years.
Litter Size:
5 puppies is average.

Country of Origin: Spain
History: The Pyrenean Mastiff is a native of the southern slopes of the Pyrenees mountains. The Mastiff was developed in the region of the Pyrenean Mountains that stretches from Aragon to Navarra. They came with Phoenician traders from Assyria and Sumeria, originally thought to have come from the Asiatic Mastiffs. They are thought to have arrived on the Iberian Peninsula at least 30 centuries ago. In Spain they found much use as sheep guards and herders. In ancient Spain, flocks were allowed to wander the fields across political and even war boundaries in search of grass. For this, the Pyrenean Mastiff was used to guard the flocks. Only 5 Pyrenean Mastiffs per 1000 sheep were allowed. But this provided a satisfying number, as the Mastiffs are highly equipped to run off any prey that might have come along. Depending on region, the Pyrenean Mastiff was named either Mastin d'Aragon (for those from the region of Aragon), or Mastin Navarro (for those living in the region of Navarre). The Pyrenean Mastiff was at one time almost extinct but has gained new interest in recent years. Spain recovered the breed slightly with its renewed pride in Spain's Pyrenean Mastiff. Today the breed is still somewhat rare, but its numbers are much higher than previously.

比利牛斯獒犬的FCI标准  FCI编号:92

  FCI所属组别 :第二组:宾莎犬和雪纳瑞类-獒犬、瑞士山地犬和瑞士牧牛犬组

  身高:雄性比利牛斯獒犬肩高28.4-33.9英寸(72.0-86.0厘米) 雌性比利牛斯獒犬肩高0.0-0.0英寸(0.0-0.0厘米)

  体重范围:雄性比利牛斯獒犬体重121.3-165.4磅(55.0-75.0公斤) 雌性比利牛斯獒犬体重0.0-0.0磅(0.0-0.0公斤)













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