



楼主: 如云烟
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关于加那利的那些人 那些狗 那些事!

发表于 2012-3-20 15:44:59 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自: 江苏南通


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本帖最后由 如云烟 于 2012-3-20 20:04 编辑

很少在加版发帖  一方面现在以玩英系火梗等小型狗为主  更主要是对加那利这个犬种确实不太了解  

在其它獒犬版我写过一个獒犬全集  当时就有很多朋友鼓励翻下加那利的起源及分支间的区别

这次正好在西班牙买狗  所以接触了不少玩猛犬的朋友  也顺便了解了下关于加那利的相关信息

现整理了点   结合所见所闻  发上来给大家参考下  可能资料不一定准确  

但多少可以从几个侧面了解下这一神秘又强悍的犬种的原来面目及来隆去脉 !


切入正题前  先好好欣赏下加那利群岛的迷人风光及岛上人狗环境合谐之美 !

谈到道高普雷萨之分    第一时间我就想到中亚之于阿拉拜  土猛之于坎高等等

其实这里确实有很多一曲同工之妙  主要是看对犬种的理解出发点和各人喜好的角度而定

当然  这里不得不说的两点是  。。。

1  UKC 和FCI的流派标准划分是一个大的前提环境  要客观的看待既成事实

2  要了解一个地区犬种的起源和定性 对当地及相关民族的历史和发展特性都要有所深入

   这样的话 会让我们透过迷雾  慢慢看清时间车轮碾出的条条路径  以及与之相关的人于物的变迁 !

说加那利獒不能不说加那利群岛  说加那利群岛  不得不提西班牙的人文特情和伊比利亚半岛的一些特色国情

西班牙民族主要是由卡斯蒂利亚人  加泰罗尼亚人、加利西亚人和巴斯克人组成  这个国家的民族对立相当的严重

一个民族引以为豪的东西  敌对的那方必然茨之以鼻  不屑一顾  无论是政治 文化 又或特产及传统工艺等

真心配服这个国家的人民能这么率真较劲 还能不撕破脸   哈哈 !  从西班牙獒和比利牛斯獒  

从马略卡斗牛到巴斯克獒  包括伊比利亚猎犬和牧犬  都有各自的定性和叫法   加那利作为西班牙后期的自立省  

原先的土著基本已没有   以西班牙和葡萄牙后裔为主 及少数阿拉伯裔   他们把伊比利亚半岛的优良传统都带上了群岛  时刻有争论和分歧

加那利群岛上目前为拉斯帕尔马斯省和德特内里费两省  这两个地区一向不太友好  可能西班牙裔和葡萄牙后裔的文化差异还是存在的

加那利群岛是个自古多变迁多磨难的地区  几经风雨  数度易主  所以  这个群岛上的狗  必然带有强烈的人文特色

原先 斗犬文化在岛上很盛行  包扩斗牛 斗狗和斗猛兽    我们可以看看一些老加那利图片  基本就是大号的比特样子

另外  老大陆的斗犬也确实影响了新大陆很多猛犬血系   早期的北美比特就是萨克逊人的斗牛斯塔福梗反复混血了大陆斗牛犬慢慢形成的

加那利群岛的多民族融合   也造就了群岛上的文化和相关物种的多样性和流派对立性  加那利獒本就是个大统称  

在岛上  先期的移民用大型猛犬打斗或打猎  相互融合后渐渐形成较稳定的种群  但对立的民族特性不单使地区和港口分离

也使群岛上的物种很难统一标准去发展  拉斯帕尔马斯和德特内里费这两个地区的狗  其实就是一种 但当地人不这么认为


大家对FCI及UKC的犬种标准应该都很熟悉  咱就不发了  

我就从两者分歧的根子说起   资料嘛  维基是必须的 !

维基是这么描述普雷萨的  ------------

First introduced to the world outside of Spain's Canary Islands by the American Anthropologist Dr. Carl Semencic in an article for Dogworld Magazine and in his books on the subject of rare breeds of dogs, the Presa Canario or "Canary Dog" is a large sized dog with a thick and muscular body.[1] The head is broad, massive, square, and powerful. Proper head and good expression are part of the breed standard, and are manifest in the best breed specimens. The ears are normally cropped, both to create a more formidable expression and to prevent damage while working with cattle. If cropped the ears stand erect. In countries where ear cropping is banned the ears are close fitting to the head, they hang down and should be pendant or "rose" shaped. The lips are thick and hang in an inverted V where they join; the flews may be slightly loose. The interior lips are dark.[2]
Males average between 23 to 26 inches (58 to 66 cm) at the withers with a minimum weight of 100 pounds (45 kg) and a maximum weight of 160 pounds (73 kg). Females average between 22 to 25 inches (56 to 63 cm) at the withers with a minimum weight of 85 pounds (39 kg) and a maximum weight of 150 pounds (68 kg).[3] Very high weights could lead to a number of health problems. Too much weight is also known to compromise the dog's athleticism and working ability.[citation needed]
The breed is also characterized by a sloping topline (with the rear being slightly higher than the shoulders). Another characteristic of the breed is the shape of the paws (cat foot) and the catlike movement of the animal. The body is mesomorphic, that is, slightly longer than the dog is tall, contributing to the feline movement. The Presa should be powerful, balanced, and imposing in appearance. It is heavily built, but able to move with great athleticism.
[edit] Coat and color
Silver Fawn
Red Fawn
Red Brindle
Brown Brindle
Fawn Brindle
Reverse Brindle
VerdinoThe coat is short with no undercoating and slightly coarse to the touch. The coat comes in all shades of fawn and brindle.[4] The acceptance of the black coat is a point of contention among fanciers as it is allowed by the AKC-FSS, UKC and UPPCC standards, but not by the FCI or FIC standards. White is allowed up to 20 percent[3] and is most commonly found on the chest and feet, and occasionally on a blaze on the muzzle. The breed standard requires black pigmentation and dogs should have a black mask that does not extend above the eyes. The breed is known for its minimal shedding.
[edit] TemperamentPresas are of strong character and are dominant animals requiring early socialization and obedience training.[5][6] In some situations, the Presa can be aggressive toward other dogs and suspicious of strangers.[7] Once the dog has been properly socialized and trained this becomes the exception rather than the rule. Many Presas share their homes with children, other dogs, cats, horses and other farm animals.[6]
Presas are an intelligent breed. Very responsive to an owner whom is familiar with large breed, mastiff or mollosor dogs. Due to the natural strength and power of the breed, positive reinforcement is best when training Presa Canarios. During the first two years, the dog should be exercised/walked daily as it is trained to ensure proper bonding with its family and to develop excellent temperament. After two years, it is common that Presas who are not actively working or game dogs, can be very calm, lazy loveable beasts in the family home.
[edit] HealthAs a large breed, the Presa Canario can be susceptible to hip dysplasia.[6] Other reported health problems include patellar luxation and patellar evulsions, skin cysts, epilepsy, osteochondrodysplasias, demodectic mange and cryptorchidism.[6] A health issue unique to Spain is canine visceral leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is a blood parasite that has a long incubation period (of several years) and most often leads to death.[citation needed]
[edit] LifespanThe average lifespan for the Presa Canario is 8–12 years.[citation needed]
[edit] Presa Canario – a legislative basis for the name and standardThe Presa Canario has a solid legislative basis in Spain and it is recognized as such by a Real Decreto (Royal Decree) of the MAPA (Minister of Agriculture Fishing and Nutrition), which was published in the Official Gazette of the Spanish Government ([BOE – Boletin Oficial del Estado]).
The original [Real Decreto 558/2001] can be read on the site of the Spanish Government Gazette.
In this authentic legislative source the breed is named precisely as "Presa Canario." A breed standard is attached in the Royal Decree and it includes the black coat and a maximum weight.
Any other name or standard is not recognized by Spanish law.
In Spain there are two main organizations which are legally recognized by the Minister of Agriculture, Fishing and Nutrition (according to the requirements set by the [Real Decreto 558/2001]): the [RSCE] and the [FCE]. The term "legally recognized" means that these organizations have the power to inscribe the litters into the official Book of Origins of Spain (LOE – Libro de Origines Espanol).
The FCE already recognizes the breed according to Spanish law, which all organizations must respect, and therefore uses the Presa Canario name and standard, as set by the [Real Decreto 558/2001].
[An official document] of the Spanish Government has been issued and sent to the RSCE to warn it and to invite it to modify its regulations.
Another recent legal source can be listed to support the correct denomination of the breed, and it is the [Real Decreto 1557/2005]. This decree further confirms the breed name is "Presa Canario" and gives the legislative power of official association recognition to the loc

这里的标准起源区别并不大 主要是命名的标准不同   

更重要的是  命名申请的人或阵线不同决定了狗的不同


才造就了如今的流派之争这么明显及激烈  看看这个就一目了然了

Presa Canario – a legislative basis for the name and standardThe Presa Canario has a solid legislative basis in Spain and it is recognized as such by a Real Decreto (Royal Decree) of the MAPA (Minister of Agriculture Fishing and Nutrition), which was published in the Official Gazette of the Spanish Government ([BOE – Boletin Oficial del Estado]).
The original [Real Decreto 558/2001] can be read on the site of the Spanish Government Gazette.
In this authentic legislative source the breed is named precisely as "Presa Canario." A breed standard is attached in the Royal Decree and it includes the black coat and a maximum weight.
Any other name or standard is not recognized by Spanish law.
In Spain there are two main organizations which are legally recognized by the Minister of Agriculture, Fishing and Nutrition (according to the requirements set by the [Real Decreto 558/2001]): the [RSCE] and the [FCE]. The term "legally recognized" means that these organizations have the power to inscribe the litters into the official Book of Origins of Spain (LOE – Libro de Origines Espanol).
The FCE already recognizes the breed according to Spanish law, which all organizations must respect, and therefore uses the Presa Canario name and standard, as set by the [Real Decreto 558/2001].

加纳利獒犬是以地区命名及推广的地方性犬种  就如同原生地的土库曼牧羊犬叫阿拉拜  在此基础上再成立中亚牧羊的标准

FCI就定了加那利岛獒犬的标准    而西班牙的农林渔署定了最初的标准并命名普雷萨 UKC揽入怀中

将其发扬光大  并做了很多和FCI有所区别的标准划分  以工作性和外形的不局限为主要特色

所以  从广义上讲   不管是普还是道都叫加那利  这是从起源定义和常识上归类的话  它们是一种狗

但从严格的标准去划分  就是我们通常意义上的所谓原生獒和藏獒的关系了

关键的区别在于    西班牙的申请标准方的分歧  决定了后期品种之间的区别

看看这个  ----------------------------

Are not us, the defenders of the Perro de Presa Canario those that say that the Dogo Canario and the Perro de Presa Canario is a same breed; are the breeders (and supporters) of the Dogo Canario those that persist in that they are the same breed. And the subject has its explanation. The thing DOGO CANARIO does not sell well. It sells the denomination Perro de Presa Canario. It is so simple. If they were able, these breeders (and supporters) with the director of the club that represents the breed at the top, they would return to the traditional denomination, the one that we, the breeders of the Perro de Presa Canario represent.
They would make it disappear from the terrestrial sphere by the ominous results obtained at the time of promoting for the sale its products. Only for that reason, because the denomination in itself, the traditional or the new one, is for them irrelevant.
The sales; that is the only thing that had interested and interest them. But that is not possible, due although they requested it, the FCI  would not return back.
But is that aside the denomination Dogo Canario we have the dog (the one we denominate breed), and its standard.  
The breeders of Perro de Presa Canario, we have like guide the standard of the breed, a Racial Pattern elaborated from many years (product of consensus between the most significant breeders at that time of both canary provinces) in which is meticulously described the animal and its coats. For those who have not read it I will say that the coats most characteristic of the  Perro de Presa Canario are the brindle, the fawn, and the black, being able to display all of them white spots in the extremities, in the lower abdomen, in the chest, around the neck, in the face, and the tail. The breeeders of Dogo Canario  breed  taking as  guides their Racial Pattern (recognized by the FCI in June of 2001) in which only accept the coats, brindle, fawn and sand - although in this standard the white colour is mentioned, in the reality the club of the breed does not accept it.
Many years ago I denounced by means of the newspaper El Día (Tenerife) that the Spanish Club of the Perro de Presa Canario (today of the Dogo Canario), it directors and partners, at the time of breeding  they did not take as guides the Racial Pattern recognized by the Royal Canine Society of Spain, and that they were breeding a sort of  dog similar to the Bullmastiff, in which they were only accepted like characteristic the coats brindle, fawn and the sand, in the three cases with black mask without exceeding the height of the eyes.
In one speech given to the directors and partners of the CEPPC about genetics applied in the breeding of dogs, a professor of the university (not specialized on this matter) of San Cristóbal de La Laguna, recommended the assistants to use  indiscriminately the Bullmastiff in their crossings to get in  short time to consolidate the breed. Apparently this recommendation was effective.
The standard approved by the FCI, apart the considerations relative to its origin (the reference to the blood of the Majorero Dog as genetic base of the dogs of the aforesaid club is totally false of course), is in essence a copy of the Bullmastiff standard.
Throughout several years, the breeders of the CEPPC frequently used in their crossings the Bullmastiff, secretly of course, so that nobody knows it. The dance of false papers between the breeders of this club has been a constant during many years. And still continue that dance of papers.
Respect to the differences morphological, phenotypical, and functional between the Perro de Presa Canario and the Dogo Canario, they are evident.
The Perro de Presa Canario is an animal robust and athletic, dynamic, of wide and deep rib cage but not like barrel, with strong extremities and correctly positioned, parallel to each other. Its head -the head is the part of the animal that better defines and characterizes the breed- well proportioned (6-4), the snout straight, never turned-up, Nasofrontal depression is little noticeable, marked depression cranium-frontal, the skull flat, or hardly convex, thick-lipped gathered, non-hanging, the masseters muscles well developed, bite in scissors, the eyes of medium size and attentive gaze, intelligent as if it was a person.
The Dog Canario  usually is more near the ground, I means that their legs generally are shorter, and frequently turned, the  angles  more straights  (the percentage of hip′s dysplasia  in this breed  is very  high), the rib cage something  cylindrical and less deep -in the  work  this dog  suffer from asphyxia very easy and gets tired long before that the Perro de Presa Canario-, its head usually is convex, the nasofrontal depression frequently  is pronounced, the  cranium-frontal  depression in most of the units is almost nonexistent, the thick-lipped pendants, the masseters muscles  little developed, the wrinkles in his head are often  abundant, and they display with certain frequency a slight prognatismo (undershot bite) and absence of premolars.  This dog, unlike the Perro de Presa Canario, is clumsier in its movements, learns with more difficulty, does not respond well to the training in defence, attacks and persecution, its guard instinct is very low, get sick very easy, and is of little longevity, this means that he get old early and dies at an age in which the Perro de Presa Canario is still young, healthful and perfectly apt for the work. I maintain that this longevity of the Perro de Presa Canario proceed from the high percentage of blood of the Perro de Ganado Majorero that runs by its veins.
The description that I just finish doing of the Perro de Presa Canario is not product of a whim mine, is an ascertainable reality. And equally true is the description of the Dogo Canario.  And both realities have their explanation. The Perro de Presa Canario is breed and selected for the work. The Dogo Canario is breed (is not selected) thinking about the shows, to be able then to sell offspring of champions. Champions of what? I always say.


关于西班牙人民内部那些事  咱们还真是没发言权   但从总体看  

道高和普雷萨并没想像中的离得那么远  就如同加那利群岛上的特内里费和大加那利区  我们都叫加那利岛

后期培育关于是否加了英獒血统  这个众说纷允   但西班牙的绝大部分加那利爱好者  是认可加那利獒的起源及现在标准

你喜欢那个流派  纯是个人喜好或培育的出发点不同     这和加那利猎犬的发展是一致的

另外  西班牙命名犬种主要以地域为准   如马略卡獒  巴斯克牧犬  大比利牛斯  单加那利群岛这一弹丸之地  

就分出了加那利獒  猎犬  斗牛犬   费罗獒  兰萨罗特猎犬等   从我们外人来看  就称加那利獒就行  。。。

老外们现在争得多的主要是工作特性  也可以说是培育出发点  这和咱猛犬上现在的论秀展和实战是一回事

我个人观点是     实战是基础    秀展是方向    一个用来现实工作及能力提升   一个用来检验标准及发扬光大   两者不矛盾  

主要看各人怎么养  怎么训  怎么玩  !!! 别无其它   。。。。。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-20 21:43:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏镇江
回复  如云烟

    每次你的文章都看得我如醉如痴 这样的外文功底加上对狗狗的热爱 才有了今天的如云烟 ...
竹亭听雨 发表于 2012-3-20 18:49

哈哈 不客气  以后总有机会把茶聊狗的    来江浙上海一带玩  也可提前通知下我 !
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-20 21:45:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏镇江
学习啦  不管是道还是普   狗狗还是要看个体和后天  呵呵  只要是加 就OK  哈
周总 发表于 2012-3-20 16:39


是这个道理   先天好的基础加后天强化的训养   才能出好狗   

不过如只是自己玩  那只要玩得开心  确实也无需考虑太多 !
猛犬俱乐部温馨提醒使用中介先验狗 后付款安全。确保您的交易受最大的安全保 点击阅读《中介规则》
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-22 20:24:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏镇江
大家客气了  玩狗其实没太多什么高和低   主要看个人的爱好或用途

在玩得开心的前提下  多交几个知心狗友  多学点常识和训养知识 就更好了!
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-23 23:31:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏镇江
Are not us, the defenders of the Perro de Presa Ca ...
地球物种 发表于 2012-3-23 17:49




但为何会出现这样的区别或原因所在呢  就是我的解读所指的重点


这是目前加的两个阵线最大的区别核心所在   就如同我前面举例的那样

早期同样的一只加那利獒犬   它属于那一阵线的人所养并取标准  狗做不了主  

这也是这个帖我为何标题是   那些人  那些狗   那些事 .....
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-24 22:15:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏镇江





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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-25 22:19:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏镇江
嗯,起源是一致的,但发展过程中,由于不同的培养目的,部分保留老的血统、原始的性格、气质、功 ...
地球物种 发表于 2012-3-25 04:05


这不正是我所表述的方向吗?  两者核心的区别在于先辈列属于不同阵线  并按各自的犬种发展标准在分离培育特点 这和狗本身关系不大
还有一点需注意   上面引用摘录的关于普和道区别所在的大部分观点是个人看法  特别是出于犬舍或繁殖人的论点 需辩证的看待
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